Back to their Inner Temples...

Back to their Cycles...

Back to their Crystalline Bones...

Back to the Ancient Priestess Arts...

Back to their Crystal Dragon Lineage...

Back to their Highest Visions to serve Gaia...



Who is a Priestess?


In ancient times the Priestess was a clear channel and vessel for the Divine to flow through. In the temple communities, they were the oracles, the healers, the emissaries, the gatekeepers between the realms. In the temple community they were supported, revered, and taken care of.

The modern Priestess is now the mother, the breadwinner, the lover, the wife, the partner, everything all at once. The modern Priestess is a multifaceted mirror and reflection of the Goddess in all Her faces and phases, in every hat she wears, in the sacred moments and the moments in between.

The modern Priestess, has a deep ache and longing to go back to the Temple space. Modern society does not honor or revere the Priestess anymore. The priestesses are shunned, made to fear, and live in isolation. There is grief and heartbreak from the separation and dismissal of the ancient arts of priestessing. The Priestess is also known as ‘She who hears all the cries of the world’, she weeps alongside Gaia and grieves for the wounded masculine and wounded feminine.


The modern Priestess is tasked to reclaim the Temple within Herself and become the bridge between the ancient and modern Priestess arts of healing and devotion. Is this you?

To Embark on the Priestess Path is to embody the Divine Feminine in this lifetime. Restore the balance of the divine feminine and heal the gap. Becoming a beacon  and guide for others to share their brilliance with the world.  You remember this in your Crystalline bones- you have answered the call before.

You are called To serve Gaia and her creatures with your extraordinary gifts, creating ripples of magick and healing through the land. To Honor the ancient crystalline beings guiding and aligning your energy for the highest good of all.


The way of the Moonstone Priestess is a threefold path, yet one in the same. The path of Moon and the path of Stone, honoring both the cycles of the Moon and Earth and the sacred dance their energies weave together; always ebbing and flowing through every season and every cycle we experience on this beautiful planet. Reclaiming the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, within and lighting the fire of sacred love and devotion in our crystalline hearts.


As a Moonstone Priestess you will learn the crystalline arts of healing, lunar magick and cyclical healing, and combining these modalities as a Crystal Reiki practitioner. While honoring and cultivating devotion to the Divine Feminine archetypes within and without you.

The Moonstone Priestess training takes place over 9 Moons.


SEPT thru DEC 2022

Know Thyself was written across the threshold of the Temple of Delphi. The first three moon cycles dive deep into your cyclical nature helping you to remember your lunar energy. You will learn to honor your ebb and flow nature through Moon ceremonies and lunar devotionals. You will awaken your intuition and become dedicated to serving your inner Temple. This part of the path is self-guided with live 3 live video ceremonial activations. After the first three moon cycles you will then become a priestess initiate in your own dedication ceremony.


What’s Included

  • On Saturday Sept 10th the Priestess Full Moon we will have a live full moon ceremony together welcoming you onto the Moonstone Priestess path and orientation

  • 🌑The Priestess Moon Manual

    🌑Moonstone Priestess Practices

    🌑The Lunar Living Guide

    🌑Moon compasses to track your energy and intentions through the Moon Cycles

  • Within this Temple you will find ceremony and ritual practices for every Moon phase so you can learn to honor the Moon in all her phases while embracing your unique ebb and flow

  • Instant access to the Red Temple with seven days of ceremony and ritual to honor your sacred bleeding time of your cycle

  • At the end of the three moon cycles you will form your own self dedication ceremony, dedicating yourself to the Divine Feminine becoming a Priestess Initiate of the Moonstone Temple

Second 3 Moon Cycles: PRIESTESS PATH

FEB thru APRIL 2023

As a Priestess Initiate you now take the formal Priestess path and learn to embody the Moonstone Priestess within you, honoring the Moonstone Temple within. You will learn to embody the lunar Divine Feminine archetypes within you through every Moon phase and Moon sign. You'll receive Crystal Reiki level 1 and 2 trainings and attunements. You will meet your Crystal dragon and begin your Crystal council and receive your Priestess Crystal when you are initiated into the Moonstone Temple.


  • You will learn rituals and Crystal activations for the Divine Feminine Archetypes through the different Moon phases and Moon signs

  • I will guide you to meet your Crystal Dragon as you begin to activate deeper levels of the Moonstone Temple within you and begin your Crystal council

  • You will receive Crystal Reiki level 1 training and attunement learning the first Crystal Reiki symbols and practicing Crystal Reiki on yourself. Receive the Crystal Reiki level 1 certificate.

  • You will receive Crystal Reiki level 2 training and attunement learning the second set of Crystal Reiki symbols and practicing Crystal Reiki on yourself and others. Receive the Crystal Reiki level 2 certificate.

  • At the end of these three moon cycles, I will initiate you through a priestess crystalline ceremony activation where you will receive your Priestess name and Priestess Crystal becoming a Priestess of the Moonstone Temple

Last 3 Moon Cycles: HIGH PRIESTESS

MAY thru JULY 2023

In the last three moon cycles you will develop your skills as a Moonstone Priestess and Crystal Healer. You will receive your Crystal Reiki master training and attunement, learn rites of passage, and cyclical healing modalities. You will learn to offer and serve Gaia through your Healing arts. You will be guided by the crystal dragons and become initiated as a high priestess of the Moonstone Temple. There will be an optional invitation, a Moonstone Temple High Priestess retreat and initiation ceremony in New Mexico, the land of enchantment.

*The retreat is a separate investment, TBA


Enter the Moonstone Temple by Marissa Moondaughter

  • You will receive Crystal Reiki Master training and attunement learning the last set of Crystal Reiki symbols and learning to attune others. Receive the Crystal Reiki Master certificate.

  • As a High Priestess of the Moonstone Temple you will learn Rites of Passage and learn to hold Sacred Crystalline space for others

  • Learn specialized Crystal Healing arts

    💎 Cyclical healing

    💎Somatic Stone practices

    💎Crystalline chakras

    💎Crystal healing sessions

    💎Crystal Oracle arts

  • In the Summer of 2023, journey to the Land of Enchantment, Santa Fe New Mexico, for a live High Priestess initiation into the Moonstone Temple. *Separate Investment and more details to come


Our journey begins on the Priestess Full Moon. Saturday September 10, 2022.

The Full Moon in Pisces in Virgo season, the Priestess of the zodiac signs.

This will be a live video Priestess initiation ceremony guided by myself to celebrate you stepping on to the Priestess path anchoring in your service and honoring your devotion to Gaia.


As a Priestess of the Moonstone Temple you will receive lifetime access to the whole Moonstone Priestess Temple program and curriculum as it grows evolves and expands with each new cycle.

Once initiated as a High Priestess of the Moonstone Temple you will have opportunities to teach within the program and share your unique facet of the Path!

The first year of your Priestess training you will have access to all Moondaughter courses and trainings that are available currently and whatever else is created in that time frame.



Create your transformational offerings

After becoming a High Priestess of the Moonstone Temple, I will guide you through 2 Moon cycles of developing your offers, courses, and programs through my course development program: The Course Cauldron

We will get witchy brewing up your offers, creating transformational course containers, crafting spells to attract your dream clients, sales page sigils, and learning to get your offers out there into the world because the world needs them


Womb & Blood Mysteries

Instant access to the Red Temple… the temple of the Womb Cycle & Blood Mysteries. Seven days of daily ceremonies and rituals to honor your Moon-time during each cycle as well as a ceremony with the Goddess Persephone to honor your Menarche, your first bleed, and Inner Maiden.



I am Marissa, your High Priestess of the Moonstone Priestess Path.

From 2014 until 2018 I underwent an intense, transformative Priestess training and became a High Priestess & Lady of the Lake, through the Celtic & Avalonian lineages through Awakening Avalon under my mentor & High Priestess, Holly Rhiannon.

In 2018, I became a Crystal Reiki Master under Ashley Leavy of the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy. Under these lineages, and after my 2nd Crystal Reiki attunement, a whole new realm and world opened up for me. Avalon and the Crystal dragons showed me the Moonstone Temple and I knew without a doubt I am a High Priestess of this temple and I am meant to guide other Priestesses through the Moonstone Temple teachings.

I am honored to light the beacons of the Moonstone Temple and call her Priestesses back in the lifetime.

  • If you feel a deep resounding yes in your crystalline heart and know in your bones you are a Moonstone Priestess, you are ready to take the leap and embark on this journey.

  • As a Moonstone Priestess you will learn rituals and crystal activations I encourage you to practice daily. Set 20-30 minutes of time a day to do your Priestess practices.

    The first 3 Moon Cycles (Sept-Dec 2022) are mostly self-study, but it is important to show devotion daily to your Inner Priestess. February - July of 2023 we will be doing more live calls and mentoring sessions. Make sure you have 8-10 hours (this will vary) a month to show up for calls, meditations and ceremony.

  • As a Priestess Path, devotion and commitment is at the core of the teachings. Once you commit and join this path I do not offer any refunds or exchanges. If you are on a payment plan, you are committed to paying for the container in full.



Are you ready to serve the Moonstone Temple within you?

Does the Moonstone Path call to your magnificent Priestess Heart?

Do you feel lit from within serving the Goddess, and reclaiming & restoring the Divine Feminine?

Are you ready to meet the Crystal Dragons and deepen your path with the Crystalline Beings?

If you feel an unshakable YES deep within your crystalline bones...