Chakra Cleanse: Day One

Happy day of the Sun and the first day of the Chakra Cleanse!

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I am so excited and so ready for this series! This is a holistic mind body Spirit cleanse for each of your seven main energy centers, or the chakras!

Each day we will focus on a new chakra and cleansing practices and activities for your mind body and spirit!

Each day of the week has its own energy and I connected each chakra to each day so it won't be in the normal chakra order, but once the whole series is up you can go in any order you wish! Don't feel you have to do all these activities all at once unless that feels really good to you! Choose one or two intuitively that sound really yummy and go with that! Listen to the intuitive wisdom of your body and lightbody!

Chakra Cleanse Solar Plexus

On Sunday, today we are starting with the solar chakra, of course!

The solar chakra holds the essence of the Sun and solar codes within us. It is the fire center of our body where we alchemize and process the nutrients we literally bring into our body, aka the gut!

This is also where our willpower and divine masculine energy lie within us so we can move forward with motivation and confidence towards our goals and intentions. The sacred flame within that carries our light, ignites our passions, and shines the light of truth and wisdom on our unique paths.


Chakra Cleanse: Mind

As you wake up in the morning, greet the Sun! Place your hands over your Solar Chakra imagining the light within you is beaming out like sunshine! Repeat these affirmations 3 times as you connect into your Solar Chakra and getting ready for the day!

Power Song: Age of Aquarius

Chakra Cleanse: Body

Amazingly a lot of yellow foods actually nourish the gut and help heal any gut imbalances. This would also be a good time to add a probiotic to your daily routine if you don't have one to help keep your gut microbiome balanced. Of course I am not a doctor, so get in touch with yours and see what is best for your own body.

Sunshine breakfast smoothie

  • One frozen banana

  • One cup Frozen mango

  • One cup pineapple

  • Half a cup dried oats

  • One cup of water or your preferred plant-based milk (add more milk or water to create the consistency you like)

Kitchari Cleanse for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Another amazing gut healing recipe is kitchari! I love making this big batches and then eating it throughout the week especially on my cycle because it is so nourishing and soothing for your gut and is packed with nutrients. You can even create a big patch and eat it throughout this week as you are balancing all your energy centers!


Make sure to get out in the sun today whether it's going on a walk or a beautiful hike just bask in the warmth and glow of the Sun and feel Your vitality returning to you!

Citrine Water for your Solar Plexus Chakra

Citrine is safe to place in your drinking water! If you want to add any other solar plexus crystals do your research and make sure they are safe. My motto is, when in doubt, leave it out! You can always place the crystals around your glass or bottle.

Charge your crystal with your intentions for your Solar Plexus Chakra… hold it over your Solar Plexus and imagine filling your Citrine with beautiful golden light. Place the crystal in your water and let it charge for at least 30 minutes. I like to charge the water overnight and drink it first thing in the morning while I say my Solar Plexus mantras! Keep refilling your water throughout the day and see how Citrine water feels for you!

I love using my Vitajuwel Inu Water bottle! I love how I can replace the crystals so easily from the bottom of the glass bottle and I don’t have to worry about using certain crystals since it never technically touches the water! You can use whatever crystals you want! I have a lot of mini crystal chips that work so easily for this bottle, but there is even room for bigger tumbled stones, so you can use your own!

Chakra Cleanse: Spirit


Just like Moon Bathing, we need the energy of the Sun too!

Take some time during the day to let the sunshine warm your skin and connect you to your inner fire. Experiment with different times of the day and feel the subtle effects this has on your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Try soaking in the Dawn’s early light, or the peak of the Sun’s warmth at high noon, or let yourself be humbled and in awe of the setting Sun. What kind of light does your Solar Plexus Chakra need right now?

As you are soaking in the Sun, call all parts of yourself from all timelines back to you. Reclaim your power and energy. See your power coming back in beams of light piercing you and infusing all your cells with crystalline light. Feel your vitality returning and building within you and feel your energy expanding out like you are this bright and brilliant lighthouse, shining all your light and love and power out into the world.

You are POWERFUL. You are CLEAR. You are RADIANT

From this place, call in your guides and Higher Self and ask them what is your next clear, actionable step forward on your highest path. Allow this message to come through and have the confidence and bravery to take it.

This concludes the first day of the Chakra Cleanse! Comment below and let me know what you chose to do for your Solar Plexus Chakra today!

Begin the Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation Journey

Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation & Crystal Grid Templates
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Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation & Crystal Grid Templates

Take the Chakra Cleanse guided journey

In this 45 minute meditation, you will be guided through your seven main chakra realms to clear, heal, and activate each of your energy centers. Return to wholeness and balance.

Receive the Chakra Cleanse Crystal Body Grid templates

The Chakra Cleanse Crystal grid templates can be used while taking the Chakra Cleanse guided journey!

You have 24 hours to download the PDF before the link expires. if you have any issues, please email me at

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    I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

    Chakra Cleanse: Day Two


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