Chakra Cleanse: Day Three

Happy Tuesday and the Third day of the Chakra Cleanse!

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This is a holistic mind body Spirit cleanse for each of your seven main energy centers, or the chakras!

Each day we will focus on a new chakra and cleansing practices and activities for your mind body and spirit!

Each day of the week has its own energy and I connected each chakra to each day so it won't be in the normal chakra order, but once the whole series is up you can go in any order you wish! Don't feel you have to do all these activities all at once unless that feels really good to you! Choose one or two intuitively that sound really yummy and go with that! Listen to the intuitive wisdom of your body and lightbody!

On Tuesday, the day of Mars, we are focusing on the Root Chakra.

The Root chakra is at the base of the spine and is connected to the foundation we have grown. It's the foundation is not secure, we ourselves will feel insecure, not safe and have feelings of inadequacy. Anxiety and stress will plague our thoughts because we are constantly thinking about the past or a future outcome. However if our foundation is thriving we will feel safe and content and it'll be easier to stay connected to the present moment.


Chakra Cleanse: Mind

Cultivate Mindful Moments with the Root Chakra

It's important to stay present while working with the root chakra. So find times throughout your day to cultivate presence.

When you first wake up and you are drinking a tea or coffee focus on the root chakra affirmations while connecting with all your senses.

Smell the coffee, feel the warmth of the cup and as you take a mindful sip imagine it's energy flowing down to the root chakra nourishing your roots. Breathe in the aroma, stay present to how your body is feeling and what you hear around you.

Power Song: Crystal by Fleetwood Mac

Chakra Cleanse: Body

Cooking your meals is another perfect time to cultivate presence in your day. Try to make a meal with some root vegetables today so you can literally nourish your roots!

While cooking, and preferably stirring your meal clockwise, infuse your meal with love and gratitude.

Think about all the work it took for these plants to get on your plate, whether you grew them from your own garden, or they came from a farm which then was harvested and brought to the stores. Think about the chain and the web of life you are in and send gratitude to all those who are connected.

Red Bean Salad for the Root Chakra

Vegan Potato Salad

Movement for your Root Chakra

Nature Walk

Walking outside and connecting with nature is one of the best way to nourish the Root chakra. Whether it's taking a hike or a stroll around your neighborhood, try to find a certain tree or plant that draws your attention and connect with it. Start to build a relationship with this plant and bring it water or an offering each time you see it.

Red Jasper Water for your Root Chakra

Red Jasper is safe to place in your drinking water! If you want to add any other Root/red crystals do your research and make sure they are safe. My motto is, when in doubt, leave it out! You can always place the crystals around your glass or bottle.

Charge your crystal with your intentions for your Root Chakra… hold it over your Root center and imagine filling your Red Jasper with warm red glowing energy. Place the crystal in your water and let it charge for at least 30 minutes. I like to charge the water overnight and drink it first thing in the morning while I say my Root chakra affirmations! Keep refilling your water throughout the day and see how Red Japser water feels for you!

I love using my Vitajuwel Inu Water bottle! I love how I can replace the crystals so easily from the bottom of the glass bottle and I don’t have to worry about using certain crystals since it never technically touches the water! You can use whatever crystals you want! I have a lot of mini crystal chips that work so easily for this bottle, but there is even room for bigger tumbled stones, so you can use your own!

Chakra Cleanse: Spirit


Earthing is simply placing your bare feet on the ground connecting with the land around you. While you are earthing, this is another wonderful time to cultivate presence with your root chakra.

Plant your feet firmly on the ground and feel the chakras on the soles of your feet open up almost like eyes opening.

Breathe deep down into your root and imagine Roots growing down your legs and through the chakras of your feet growing deep into the Earth and soil beneath you.

Keep growing these roots deep down into the Earth, through the different layers of soil and crystals and minerals, until you reach the iron rich core of Gaia.

Feel the land pulsing with life and energy beneath your feet and feel the energy of the core begin to move up through your roots deeply nourishing and healing your connection to the Earth.

Feel this energy rising and rising through every layer and send this energy back up to your root chakra. Breathe deeply into the space of connection and love and nourishment. Know that you are deeply loved and deeply supported with every step you take on Mother Earth.

You are deeply LOVED. You are deeply SAFE. You are deeply supported to ROOT & RISE & THRIVE!

This concludes the third day of the chocolate cleanse. How will you be cultivating presents with your root chakra today? Comment and let me know below!

Begin the Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation Journey

In this 45 minute meditation, you will be guided through your seven main chakra realms to clear, heal, and activate each of your energy centers. Return to wholeness and balance.

After this meditation you will feel:

  • ❤️Connected to your body and energy

  • 🧡Recharged

  • 💛Energized

  • 💚Empowered to heal and balance your chakras whenever you choose to

  • 💙Clear

  • 💜Aligned & Renewed

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    I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

    Chakra Cleanse: Day Four


    Chakra Cleanse: Day Two