Learn to Clean the Cosmic Way

The Zodiac House Cleanse: A FREE SELF-STUDY Online Course to help declutter and tidy your home in a Moon Cycle













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I don't know about you, but as a Sagittarius Sun I hate cleaning- it's the bane of my existence.

But obviously we all have to do these chores and not everyone can hire someone to do it for them. So I actually created this course for myself so it would make cleaning more fun for me.

And guess what? It works!

If you are ready to ditch the clutter and overwhelm and turn your house back into your SACRED SPACE, the Zodiac House Cleanse is for you!

What’s Included

  • This daily guide will show you exactly what to declutter or clean in your home according to the Moon phases and Moon signs! (Valued @ $27)

  • You will receive private access to the course page with all the audios and guidebooks breaking down each step of the cosmic cleaning system: cleaning and decluttering with the elements and Moon signs and ritual and ceremony though the Moon phases! (Valued @ $47)

  • 12 audio tracks for each Zodiac Sign where I will share a new perspective of each sign and how you can relate them to your home and the actual Zodiac Houses! I will teach you how to explore each sign within your Sacred Space!  (Valued @ $97)

  • My 28 Day Decluttering with the Elements Challenge Guide! (Valued @ $27)

Your home should be your Sanctuary, Oasis, Temple, to support and nourish your Highest Self and family.

When you use the Zodiac House Cleanse and infuse your chores with the cosmos intentionally, you are reclaiming your home and not letting the material items taking up space in your home drain you or overwhelm you anymore.

Your home will be a place to nourish and support your dreams and connect with loved ones and you will feel clearer, lighter, and free!

Turn Mundane Chores into Cosmic Rituals


The Zodiac House Cleanse


Turn Mundane Chores into Cosmic Rituals 🌟 The Zodiac House Cleanse ☄️

Start your Zodiac House Cleanse