Embrace Magick: 2024 New Moon Word of the Year Ritual with Oracle Cards


Happy New Moon, Moonbeams!

✨ As we stand at the threshold of a new lunar cycle, and the first New Moon of 2024, it's time to weave our intentions into the cosmic tapestry. Join me in a magickal journey as we discover our Word of the Year through a celestial ritual using oracle cards.

New Moon in Capricorn: The Foundation of Your Ambitions

Under the nurturing influence of the Capricorn New Moon, our ambitions align with the stars. This lunar phase is an opportune moment to lay the foundation for our aspirations and dreams. Let the cosmic energy guide you as we embark on a unique Word of the Year ritual using your Oracle Cards.

Preparing Your Oracle Cards

Gather your favorite oracle cards, those trusted allies that speak the language of your soul. Cleanse them in your favorite way and create a sacred space: dim the lights, ignite a candle or incense, and put on music to invite your mystical Higher Self into your surroundings.

The Ritual Unveiled

  • Clear Your Mind: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Release any lingering thoughts and open your heart to the energies surrounding you.

  • Shuffle with Intent: As you shuffle your oracle cards, focus on your deepest desires for the year ahead. What themes do you want to manifest? Love? Abundance? Creativity? Really feel it within your hear space. Shuffle until you feel a connection with the cards.

  • Infuse Your Cards: Place your cards at heart center and tap into the enduring and stable qualities of Capricorn as you set your intentions to choose your word. Let the practical wisdom of this Earth sign become a guiding force, helping you lay a solid foundation for your goals. Infuse your oracle cards with the perseverance of Capricorn and draw your cards.

  • Draw Your Cards: Pull three cards from the deck. Each card represents an aspect of your journey for the coming year (see the spread below). Pay attention to the images, symbols, and feelings they evoke.

  • Reflect and Choose Your Word: Take a moment to reflect on the cards before you. What overarching theme emerges? Is there a word that encapsulates the essence of your cards? Trust your instincts and let your Word of the Year reveal itself.


In this sacred space, let the whispers of the cards guide you towards a Word of the Year that resonates with your soul. Whether it's "Blossom," "Courage," or "Harmony," trust your intuition and the enchantment of this celestial ritual.

You are invited!


As we set our intentions within the New Moon Womb, I invite you to dive deeper into manifestation with me. Sign up for my free Imbolc Envisioning Masterclass on February 2nd, 2024. Together, we'll harness the potent energy of this cross-quarter day to bring our dreams to life. Don't miss this opportunity to step into the magick of your own creation.

Let the New Moon guide you, Moonbeam, as you embrace your Word of the Year and manifest the extraordinary in the coming months. May your journey be filled with cosmic wonder and enchantment. Until we meet again under the silver glow of the next Moon. Blessed be! 🌙✨

Let me know in the comments below what you Word of the Year is!


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I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!


Embracing Your Inner Priestess: A Year of Multi-Faceted Magic


My 2024 Word of the Year!