Chakra Cleanse: Day Seven

This is the Seventh and final day of the Chakra Cleanse!

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This is a holistic mind body Spirit cleanse for each of your seven main energy centers, or the chakras!

Each day we will focus on a new chakra and cleansing practices and activities for your mind body and spirit!

Don't feel you have to do all these activities all at once unless that feels really good to you! Choose one or two intuitively that sound really yummy and go with that! Listen to the intuitive wisdom of your body and lightbody!

On the last day of the Chakra Cleanse we are focusing on the Third-eye 👁️

The Third-eye is our inner eye. This eye is the portal to our imagination, our intuition, and a gateway to other mythic imaginal realms. Our Third-eye allows us to see what can't be seen... It is the eye of the Soul and the eye that you utilize to see subtle and higher frequencies.

When this eye is closed off we can feel uninspired, cynical, depressed and can feel very disconnected from our inner child and inner muse. In this blog post I will share different ways to open this eye once again.

Chakra Cleanse: Mind

Dream journal for the Third-eye Chakra

Keeping a dream journal next to your bed is a simple ritual you can do every evening and every morning to gently open your Third-eye and awaken this energy center.

Before you go to bed each night, place an Amethyst crystal on your Third-eye while you are laying down. Position it between your eyes just above your brows.

Set the intention to remember your dreams and be open to receiving any messages within your dreams. Feel the energy of the Amethyst connecting with your Third-eye Chakra and see your eye opening as you close your actual eyes to go to sleep.

This exercise will help you remember your dreams more often and you will probably begin to have more vivid dreams.

In the morning write down your dreams as much as you can: any key words or messages, colors, images or symbols you can remember.

Do this practice consistently and you will begin to see a shift in your dreams and your Third-eye Chakra will be more activated!

Chakra Cleanse: Body

Snack on berries and grapes! They're high in antioxidants and are great for your Third-eye Chakra!

If you want to ground these higher frequencies from your Third-eye and really integrate them into your body, eat purple potatoes. They are very grounding yet have the frequencies of the purple energy of the Third-eye. And extremely nourishing as well!

Purple Anti-Stress Smoothie

Hasselback Purple Sweet Potatoes

Intuitive Body exercise for the Third-eye Chakra

Your body holds intuitive wisdom.

This is a simple, intuitive exercise you can practice daily to truly listen and respond to your intuitive messages in your body.

Get present by focusing on your breath and tuning into your body. Then simply ask,

"What does my body need right now?"

Listen to your body and any subtle messages you are feeling or hearing. Take the time to listen and when you hear a message act upon it.

You will build trust with your intuition and build a relationship where your intuition is active and strong and you respond because you are safe and free to do so.

Begin the Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation Journey

Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation & Crystal Grid Templates
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Begin your Journey

In this 45 minute meditation, you will be guided through your seven main chakra realms to clear, heal, and activate each of your energy centers. Return to wholeness and balance.

After this meditation you will feel:

  • ❤️Connected to your body and energy

  • 🧡Recharged

  • 💛Energized

  • 💚Empowered to heal and balance your chakras whenever you choose to

  • 💙Clear

  • 💜Aligned & Renewed


Amethyst Water for your Third-Eye Chakra

Amethyst is safe to place in your drinking water! If you want to add any other purple or indigo crystals do your research and make sure they are safe. My motto is, when in doubt, leave it out! You can always place the crystals around your glass or bottle.

Charge your crystal with your intentions for your Third-Eye Chakra… hold it over your Third-eye center and imagine filling your Amethyst with purple light energy. Place the crystal in your water and let it charge for at least 30 minutes. I like to charge the water overnight and drink it first thing in the morning while I say my Third-eye Chakra affirmations! Keep refilling your water throughout the day and see how Amethyst water feels for you!

I love using my Vitajuwel Inu Water bottle! I love how I can replace the crystals so easily from the bottom of the glass bottle and I don’t have to worry about using certain crystals since it never technically touches the water! You can use whatever crystals you want! I have a lot of mini crystal chips that work so easily for this bottle, but there is even room for bigger tumbled stones, so you can use your own!

Chakra Cleanse: Spirit


Have a query or question ready to begin this ritual to exercise your psychic abilities and expand them.

Light a purple candle on your altar and begin to gaze intently at the flame.

Keep your eyes focused on the flame breathing deeply while focusing on your question at hand. Call in your Higher Self, your guides, and/or your ancestors to be present for this reading.

When you are ready, close your eyes and you'll still see the colors and images of the flame swirling in your Third-eye. Focus on those images that you see and just be open to any messages coming through within this energy center.

Stay in this meditation until you feel you've received everything you were meant to receive. Let your intuition guide you. Feel free to write down what you experienced in your journal or even pull a card to finish the reading.

Be aware of any messages and things that happen within the next week or so after doing this exercise. You may continue to receive messages or or signs of affirmation from the Universe.

You are CLEAR. You are INTUITIVE. It is safe to TRUST your INNER WISDOM!

This concludes the Chakra Cleanse! What did you do for your Third-eye today? How are your Chakras feeling after doing this cleanse? Please comment below and share.

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    I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

    Which Chakra should you work with right now?


    Chakra Cleanse: Day Six