The Wild Woman Full Moon

Happy Wild Woman Moon!

New Name, Same Moon: Full Moon’s of 2023 series

Happy Full Moon, gorgeous!

As I've birthed my Priestess path I've received new downloads and lunar codes for each of the different Full Moon's, including different names connected to Divine Feminine archetypes. I'm so excited to share them with you over the next year. I'm also including simple rituals to embody these archetypes within you as each Full Moon illuminates the sky with her beauty and presence.

Each full moon has many different names so it's important to find a name that resonates with you 😊

We are entering the realm of the Wild Woman. The Aquarian season brings out her uniqueness, her outside the box creativity- she walks to the beat of Her own drum.

As the Full Moon in Leo rises, the crown chakra is activated and we are anointed in our own power. We feel the primal beating of our own Wild Woman within us and we instinctively move with her. The Wild Woman helps transmute rage, bitterness, grief, trauma stored in the body, into movement, creativity, inner strength, and power.

Allow yourself to be curious about your Wild Woman and how she wants to move through you. Let her howl under the full moon tonight and allow her to awaken new depths of your strength and soul.

Connecting to the Wild Woman Moon

The Wild Woman is one of our own many facets and one of the facets of the divine feminine: she is Lilith, Medusa, Artemis, Pele, Kali, Freya, Sekhmet.

She is you.

Listening to music with drumming and primal beats can awaken your wild woman allowing her to move your body instinctively intuitively and primally. Put on some music that unleashes your Wild Woman and dance under the Full Moon.

Embrace your Wild Woman hair. Leo's are all about their manes, so embrace your natural texture and give your hair some love under this Full Moon. Anoint your hair, roots, and crown chakra with nourishing oil. Rosemary and tea tree oil are great for the scalp and stimulate hair growth. What the oil nourish your roots for 30 to 60 minutes and then wash your hair like you normally would. But allow your hair to air dry and embrace your hair in all her natural Wild Beauty!

There is no room for shaming or judging your Wild Woman.

She is not here for that.

She's here to push you to your edge and move you past your limiting beliefs about yourself and about others. She needs freedom to roam and freedom to be, and when you allow her to claim her territory you will be set free.

Happy Full Moon, Wild Woman

PS. You’re Invited…

You are invited to my first free event of 2023: MOON SYNC: your virtual girl’s night in and lunar slumber party! Come back to yourself and SYNC your life up with the Moon and your unique cyclical nature.


Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

What is Lunar Living?


First Full Moon on 2023: Crone Moon