First Full Moon on 2023: Crone Moon

Happy first Full Moon of 2023!

New Year, New Name, Same Moon

This Moon is also known as the Cold moon or Wolf Moon but I have been called to share it as the Crone Moon! Each full moon has many different names so it's important to find a name that resonates with you 😊

As I've birthed my Priestess path I've received new downloads and lunar codes for each of the different Full Moon's, including different names connected to Divine Feminine archetypes. I'm so excited to share them with you over the next year. I'm also including simple rituals to embody these archetypes within you as each Full Moon illuminates the sky with her beauty and presence.

The Cancerian Full Moon within Capricorn season is also known as the Crone Moon, the mother has matured as the wise woman. She is the elder guardian of all the seeds that are hibernating under the winter soil and the seeds that lie deep within us that are almost ready to grow and blossom.

The earthy Capricorn energy desires to build a thriving foundation and soil where the dream seeds can expand and grow and Bloom. The watery Cancerian energy of the Moon nourishes the seeds, guarding them in her womb until they are ready to be birthed.

The Crone is also connected to the crown and root chakra, because she is crowned in wisdom, she is rooted and connected to the ancestors, and she can see and embody her place in her lineage for guiding the next generation forward. She is at the end of life and represents Death; resting in peace in the Earth so the Earth can transmute and rebirth and recycle all the energy that comes back to her.

2023 Crone Moon

Connecting to the Crone Moon

Write down your intentions goals or keywords for this new year on a piece of paper. Place the sheet of paper under a glass jar filled with water and allow the Crone Moon charge the water and your intentions overnight. You can place crystals around the jar to cleanse and charge them with your intentions and if it's too cold to place them outside you can always play some under a windowsill.

Ask the Crone Moon, your ancestors, any Crone goddesses you feel connected to nourish, guard, and guide these intentions deep within your soul so they can be birthed in the best possible way for you and for the highest good of all.

When you collect your moonwater the next morning pour some for the land as an offering and intentionally drink this water throughout the next day focusing on your intentions and dreams being nourished by the Crone Moonwater.

My personal words of the year:

Health, Peace, Prosperity and Generosity

In 2022 I did not know peace in my heart as I navigated through difficult endings and allowing my anxieties to get the best of me. I walked away from a toxic business relationship, because it wasn't worth the stress and negativity it was creating for me and my family. My beautiful son is highly sensitive and was extremely fussy for most of the year and then with his health scare in August it really put things into perspective for me. Towards the end of the year me and my children were constantly getting sick from preschool germs and it felt like we had all the viruses. In December I chose to actively rest and not do any work and it was so restoring and healing, and eye opening.

It made me realize how much I need to prioritize my mental health as well as my physical health because without that we really truly don't have anything and don't have the capacity to hold space for anything more other than surviving.

This year I am focusing on my health and my peace first and foremost because without that I would never be the best mother, wife, Priestess, or teacher I could be. I'm excited to create and share from a place of generosity and love and service so I can share the magic that the Goddess has placed within me so it may inspire others and reawaken the Divine Feminine in the world.

I am coming back to Lunar Living: intentionally honoring my ebbs and my flows and syncing my life around the seasons of my body, the Earth and the Moon.

I was recently gifted this beautiful crescent Moon Moss agate Crystal and I think it's the perfect Crystal for me for 2023. Moss agate is so soothing and grounding and calming for the body and the Heart and she gently opens the heart for love and prosperity, health, and peace to flow through.

Please comment below and let me know your words or your intentions for this new year and I will share a crystal I feel really matches your intentions so you can have a crystal that anchors and grounds your intentions into your physical reality.

Happy New Year and happy Crone Moon beauties


Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

The Wild Woman Full Moon


Elements of a Moon Altar