The Goddess Codes Astrology Report


An in-depth astrology report on your unique Goddess placements in your birthchart.

Calling in the Codes of the Goddess: Venus; Pallas; Ceres; Juno; Vesta; Black Moon Lilith

This astrology report dives deep into your unique Divine Feminine Power and how you can embody it in this lifetime according to your birthchart

After receiving your birth information* I will peer into your birthchart for the placements of your Venus, Moon, Black Moon Lilith, and the Asteroid Goddesses. You will learn how these Goddesses wish for you to embody their unique and powerful archetypes within you.

Discover your unique facets of The lover, the Priestess, the Wild Woman, the Queen, the Mother, the Warrioress and how you can radiate and channel Divine Feminine Power and energy when you learn to embody these Sacred Archetypes within you.

You will receive a 15 page report** with each of the Goddesses in your birthchart and how you can embody them in your daily life. You will also receive a custom Goddess Codes Crystal Grid Template with crystals chosen specifically for your Goddess placements so you can integrate and embody each facet of the Goddess within your crystalline body and aura.

*You need to know the time and location of your birth for this report.

**Please allow 5-7 business days to prepare your Goddess Codes Astrology report for you.

This offering does not include any crystals being sent to you. You will receive a PDF via email with crystal suggestions within the report.

I am not a license doctor or therapist so please use your own discernment and intuition and seek out medical treatment when you you feel it is necessary.

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