Elements of a Moon Altar


I created a Moon altar and I felt guided to take you through my process.

I love creating sacred spaces and altars and this is one way I connect with my inner Priestess and the Divine Feminine.

I had a beautiful vision of one of my Moonstone spheres contained in a clamshell, so I created that as the centerpiece of my altar. Shells and Moonstone are beautiful pieces to place on a Moon altar because the Moon is deeply connected to the Waters of the Earth.

Around the centerpiece I placed my Moon phase palm stones to represent each phase of the Moon. The Goddess statue is of Aradia, daughter of the Moon and Moon Magick.

The Cauldron is another symbol of the womb and a beautiful sacred container to place on a Moon altar if you have a chalice that is also great too. Keep any Moonwater charging on your moon altar as well.

I placed a small offering bowl of sea salt on my Moon altar. And on either side, I placed two Selenite towers. Selenite is named after the Moon Goddess Selene.

This altar will stay up as I welcome priestesses into the Moonstone Priestess path my new Priestess program embodying Lunar Cycles, the Divine Feminine within, and Crystal Healing.


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Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!


First Full Moon on 2023: Crone Moon


My New Altar Space!